The UAE is actively monitoring the case of its citizen Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, who was arrested by French authorities at Paris – Le Bourget Airport. The UAE has formally requested that the French government urgently provide him with all necessary consular services.
In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) emphasized that the UAE prioritizes the welfare of its citizens, safeguarding their interests, and ensuring comprehensive support as a top priority.
Durov was arrested on Saturday evening as part of a preliminary police investigation, according to French media reports. His arrest has led Moscow to issue a warning to Paris, insisting that his rights be respected, and has drawn criticism from X owner Elon Musk, who claimed that free speech in Europe is under threat.
The Russian foreign ministry also stated that its embassy in Paris is working to clarify the situation surrounding Durov and urged Western non-governmental organizations to demand his release.
Telegram, in a brief statement released after midnight Paris time, provided no specifics about the arrest but noted that the company complies with European Union laws and that its moderation practices are “within industry standards and constantly improving.”
(With contributions from Reuters)
Source : Khaleejtimes